
About me

Heyy guys, my name's Natasha and . . . . well, I'm a human of course (duhh) LOL

Okeyy, so lets just get things over and done with .. I am 17 years old and is currently living in Malaysia .. I have a mum, a dad, three brothers, a sister and 5 gorgeous rabbits and a hamster .. big family, eh ?? It doesn't matter because I love them all .. 
A few things about mee ---->

2031 I love pianos and keyboards as much as I love my hair
2031 Mad in lurvee with chocolates
2031 My best friend is the refridgeratot
2031 My secod best friend id the fridge. Like c'mon guys, you can't live without one of these !
2031 I paint my face when I'm bored :)
2031 I love bows and ribbons and polka dots
2031 I like making friends. It's just that I'm shy
2031 I love to sing in the toilet. My voice sounds nicer :D

You know what, there are just too many things about myself and I could go on and on until forever .. so I'll tell you about me bit by bit as time goes on ..
See you soon !

and don't forget to   FOLLOW MEE :) guys. Thanks a gazillion dozen for reading this not so much profile about me.
Labeeiuu :)

:: A Welcome Note ::

My photo
Just a girl that loves to tell the story of her life. She's 17 and a random person. She loves to blog about anything and everything that she loves. Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's sad, that's because she a normal human being, just like all of you. Do read this blog and follow if you want :)