
Monday 11 June 2012

First day of class

Assalamualaikum dear reader !

Today was my first day of class and I just wanna share with you guys a little bit about it. Hihi *menggedik kejap* :P Okay first of all my class start pun pukul 12 tengah hari tadi so I was like " yeayy, boleh bangun lambat ! haha... " So siap diri semua dah pakai nice nice ehehh lepastu naik lah bas nak pergi Padang Lalang. Naik naik tengok dah penuh so apa lagi, berdiri lah kat tengah tengah tu. Ya allah sumpah malu, dah la datang lambat muka pun tercungap-cungap macam orang tak cukup oxygen haha. And then tetiba ada dua orang lelaki "GENTLEMEN" ni *ehemm* kasi kitorang tempat duduk diorang. Haha..

" Eh takpe lah akak akak .. nah lah duduk lah tempat kitorang ni. Kitorang ni kan gentlemen "

Alahai geli lah pulak aku dengar ayat korang haha ! But still, thankyou guys for letting us sit down on the bus. We appreciate it alot hehe.
Bila sampai sana, macam biasa lah. Masuk kelas kena introduce diri sendiri, cerita tentang kenapa kita amik course law ni.. actually first class takde pape menarik punn. nasib lecturer baik :) Since it was our first class, our lecturer kasik balik 1 jam awal ! Yeayy :D Okay after that.. kitorang macam dekat arked padang lalang and omg let me tell you it is so cheap ! okay not very cheap but CHEAPER la than at sekilau.. And then nak tahu what happened ?! Kitorang tertinggal bas. Haha ! Seriously like wattafish asdfghjhjkyuiop !! So nak taknak terpaksa la jalan kaki balik sekilau. Dah la jauh, melecet teruk kot kaki kita :( 5 dekat kaki kiri, 2 dekat kaki kanan :"( Kitorang sampai Sekilau dalam pukul 3 lebih, kelas pukul 4. So I have tu rush to have a shower kejap and get dressed again. Bila mandi pun kaki pedih sangat, sampai kena lompat sana sini dalam tandas macam orang kurang upaya -,- Hmm its okay tasha. Pengalaman ~

And then the most annoying this is.. class was cancelled !! I was really pissed of TO THE MAX ! Like camonn guys ! I forced myself to have a bath and endured the pain in my feet just so I could go to class. *sobsob*

Ni muka penat kita lepas dah bersiap semua and then tetiba tak jadi pergi kelas. I'm so tired u olls :')

Okay la sampai di sini saja. After this I still have another class starting at 8 and ends at 11pm. Sigh. Me so terribly tired :') Goodbye peeps. i will have more stories for you soon okay. 

tashaa <3

Sunday 10 June 2012

Life in hostel

Hello dear readers ! Yes, finally we meet again. Oh how I miss blogging so so much :')

Anyway, I just wanna cerita to you guys about my life here in Kampus Kuantan. Okay first things first, Kuantan ni ada 2 kampus actually, kampus Bukit Sekilau dan kampus Padang Lalang. I'm at Sekilau because here is where all the siswi lawrians are. It's so small so that's why it can only accommodate a small group. Dekat Padang Lalang pula .. a.k.a Palang haha ... is where all the other students are staying : Asasi TESL boys and girls, and Asasi Law boys.

So kira kitorang yang dekat Sekilau ni memang lonely la haha. 
Eh tapi tak jugak.. Sebab apa tau ?

Sebab kitorang kat sini duduk hostel yang macam ala ala rumah apartment gituuu okay. Hihi :P Satu rumah ada 3 bilik, satu bilik pula ada 5 orang. Therefore, satu rumah ada LIMA BELAS ORANG. Like watahell kan ?! Memang ramai gila ah ! Tapi rasa fun sangat sebab bila ramai orang rasa meriah, ada yang suka gelak gila-gila, ada yang peramah gila,.. so overall okay lah :)

But I still don't know most of them yet. Kita cuma kenal roommates, beberapa orang bilik lain dan tu jee :'( Rasa agak lonely sebab... sebab.. sebab...  kita tak reti lah nak buat kawan ni. Bukan nye jual mahal ke ape, bukan bukan. I'm not like that okay. It's just that I feel soo double shy and embarrassed and tak tahu nak cakap apa, so kita selalu tunggu orang yang start conversation dulu. Sigh. Takpelah, cousin cakap lama-lama nanti ada lah kawan tu kan. Hee thankyou dear cousin ! I'll always remember your advices ;)

Okay next topic, FOOD ! Haha ! Did you know we have to buy our own food if we wanna eat? Alahai ingat kan uitm nak sponsor -,- hihi. Duit kitorang memang banyak habis beli makanan lah, biskut, maggi, roti, nutell, botol ir besar gedabak tu haa buat stock seminggu.

About wifi kat Sekilau ni, hmm okay je cuma satu je. TWITTER TAK BOLEH BUKAK!!!! Vaveng betul ! Oh goshh twitter is like my nyawa you know. Habis kredit gua pergi activate mobile internet, nak online twitter punya pasal lah ni -____- *sedih* Ayah, tasha nak broadband boleh ? :(

Pasal kelas pula, kitorang start esok. Jadual kelas okay la. Nak kata padat, urmm takde lah sangat. Baju kena cuci sendiri. Haha okay sedih kejap :P

Anyways tu je kot nak cerita. My first few days dekat rumah hostel ni. Hihi it's not much, sekadar nak post something dekat blog ni je haha. Eh eh thankyou sebab baca haha. Goodbye u olls :)

tashaa <3

Thursday 31 May 2012

Hello June. New beginnings.

Hello dear readers. Today is June the first, and this is gonna be the month where everything changes, and I mean it.

And if you don't know it already, esok merupakan hari pendaftaran bagi pelajar asasi baru ke UiTM, and I am one of them *hoorayy, tepuk bahu sendiri* And I'm proud to say, I'm taking foundation in Law. Hehee :D

 "Oh tahniah ! Bestnyaaaa ~ Dapat dekat mana u olls?"

Ehehh, urmm . . . kita dapat dekat Kuantan. Haha okay sedih kejap ~ Before dapat asasi law ni, actually kita dapat matriks dekat selangor. Tapi waktu tu gedik sangat kata dekat lah tak boleh nak melancong jauh-jauh lah, haa sekarang padan muka Tasha. Kan dah kena campak dekat Kuantan.

To be 120% honest, I feel really scared, nervous, sad, panic, insane. Sangat sangat ! Words can't express how freaked out I am right now okay. Oh goshh I feel like jumping of the rooftop right now ! But no, that's suicide. Berdosa tauu :P But heyy, at the same time, I'm also kinda feeling happy and excited. Urm, is that weird guyss ? :/

Barang pun still banyak belum pack, gosok pun belum. Alahaii malasnyaa. Kan best kalau petik jari je semua barang dah siap masuk dalam luggage, then kita cuma perlu angkut letak dalam boot kereta je. But I'm not Harry Potter so of course that would be impossible :) Anyways whatever happens tomorrow, I'm just hoping sangat sangat sangat sangat ter-amatlah sangat that everything will turn out fine for me. I hope I'm not too awkward.

"Rindu keluarga tak ?"

Of course everybody will miss their family. You'd be lying if you said you didn't. Will I cry ? Hopefully not. I only cry when I watch movies involving animals, no seriously ! Okay sampai di sini saja.. it's already 1:46am. Goodbye dear reader :)

tashaa xx

p/s Dear June, please be nice to me, and I promise I will
be nice to you too :)

*semua blog dulu-dulu dah hide-kan. Eii malulah bila baca balik, so immature of me haha. A new blog beginning for a new life. Amin :)*

:: A Welcome Note ::

My photo
Just a girl that loves to tell the story of her life. She's 17 and a random person. She loves to blog about anything and everything that she loves. Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's sad, that's because she a normal human being, just like all of you. Do read this blog and follow if you want :)